✅ Viết code automation test cho test cases Gherkin (Selenium Java)
Website: https://cms.anhtester.com/login
Email: admin@example.com
Password: 123456
✅ Test cases Gherkin chức năng Login
🔆 Gợi ý test cases chức năng Login:
Feature: Login
Scenario: Successful login
Given user on the login page
When user enter valid credentials
And click the login button
Then user should be redirected to my account dashboard
Scenario: Invalid login
Given user on the login page
When user enter invalid credentials
And click the login button
Then user should see an error message
And remain on the login page
✅ Test cases Gherkin chức năng Create Brand
🔆 Gợi ý test cases chức năng Create Brand:
Feature: Manage Brand
Scenario: Successful brand creation
Given user on the create Brand page
When user enter valid brand details
And click the save brand button
Then user should see a success message
And the new brand should display in the list of brands
✅ Test cases Gherkin chức năng Create Category
✳️ Source: https://github.com/anhtester/CucumberTestNG022023/releases/tag/lesson_9_10_PicoContainer_ThucHanh